Lets Talk Data!

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Hi Everyone!

Are you an aspiring Data Analyst who is just starting the amazing journey of Analysis and presentations?

Do you find it hard to compile different or huge data sets into a single file or have to work really hard to make your analysis report look presentable?

Well, I would like to introduce you to an amazing tool called Data Studio!

Data Studio is a reporting tool that will not only help you to organize your analysis, but also make it user friendly.

With Data Studio you can:
  • Copy data from different sources and edit it.
  • Add charts, graphs and other visual aids to make your data more presentable.
  • Create a real time activity monitor and record changes in your customizable dashboard.
  • Share your insights with your team members.
If you are planning to establish a career in the marketing analytics area, this tool has got the full potential to be your best friend. It will not only help you to prepare results or make them more attractive, but you can also track the real-time fluctuations on your advertisements, and make the best of your efforts. A sample of how your report will look like is below:

Image Sourced from : Data.googlestudio.com

Data Studio can make the process of reporting much simpler, faster and efficient. You can customize your presentations, graphs and charts with just one click, relate your reports from different sources together and Data Studio makes it more fun to do!

There are other tools as well that google offers which might be of vast importance to an Analyst, some of which you can find here!

Hope this helps to all the zealous analysts out there! Good luck!


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